2019 — Worst year ever… Hoping 2020 will be better?

5 min readDec 31, 2019

Hey everyone, it has been a while since I’ve written a blog post, but as 2019 is about to end, I suppose I should conclude the year with what has happened and what I want in 2020.

2019 has been a really rough and bad year, both for me and the city (Hong Kong) I am currently living in. To start off then, I guess we go all the way back to January…

Back in January, I did not realise it but my mental health was starting to get worse and worse due to the pressure I’ve been getting both at work and on Twitch, which has ended up turning into a massive disaster, and things have gotten so bad that I was forced to quit modding on Twitch in February. At first, I felt kinda lost since Twitch modding was part of my life, but then I realised, work is more important for my future, so I decided to never go back to the communities I were once a part of and started taking a really long mental break. That was a really tough decision but I had no regrets, even though it was a lot for me to put down.

All that has also caused my YouTube channel along with “The Twitch Compilation” series to permanently shut down. I know a lot of people loved the series and all the efforts I’ve put into making those videos, but I just can’t carry on anymore. I hope everyone can respect my decision, and please do not attempt making any spin-off series without my permission. It has been a long 3 years journey, but I had to call it there sadly.

During my mental break, I was also very busy with work at the same time, loads of big projects were coming up and I had no time to spare on even streaming on Twitch at that time, so the break ended up being over 8 months long (from March to mid-November). I had a lot of opportunities to come back, like on my birthday (6th October), but I just couldn’t be bothered as the projects at work were more important at the time, sorry guys.

Meanwhile, back in early June, the extradition bill was proposed in Hong Kong, it was a harmful law that could put everyone in Hong Kong exposed to the Chinese government, including tourists. That law has been completely withdrawn now, but the protests eventually turned into a “war” between the protesters and the police. I am sure most of you have probably heard about that from your local news reports by now, that “war” is actually still carrying on in Hong Kong to this date, many people are still protesting on the streets about how bad the police has treated the protestors and the “five demands” everyone wanted. Hong Kong is not in good shape right now, that is why I’ve been avoiding to do IRL streams this year, from the computer convention back in Augest, to even on Christmas day. It’s really dangerous outside, especially during holidays and weedends.

Bad things did not stop there yet, on 11th September, everything was going alright at work until I got a phone call from my dad, saying that my 97-year old grandad had just past away. My grandad did fell on the floor and broke his pelvis just about a month before that happened, but he was actually fine after a surgery, even the doctor said he should be able to recover after the surgery. I’ve had many countless memories with my grandad, he had been taking care of me since I was still a baby. With the sudden news of his death, I was shocked and disheartened. That was probably one of the worst thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. On 3rd October, just a few days before my birthday, it was my grandad’s funeral. Me and my relatives had already accepted the fact that he past away at that point. Despite his absence in my family, his spirit of staying strong and happy shall live on, forever. Rest in peace, grandad.

After all of the bad things that has happened to me, I came back to Twitch briefly for about a week on 15th November as Pokémon Sword and Shield came out and I thought that would be a great opportunity to forget about the bad things and just stream for a bit to have fun. I pushed myself too hard, streaming for way too long and late in the night, only to get a massive cold and didn’t fully recover for another month or so. At least I am fine now thanks to my 1.5 weeks paid annual leave from work.

I am going back to work after the New Year, but hopefully I will be able to keep a balance between work and streaming, and also Minecraft modding.

Speaking of Minecraft modding, I didn’t give enough updates on that, but I guess y’all know why after seeing all the bad things that has happened to me. A new library mod is in the works to hopefully make my life easier with porting mods to 1.14 / 1.15, no exact ETAs on that yet, but I am aiming for an early 2020 update release to most of my major Minecraft mods.

Current status for my Minecraft mods as follows:
Exchangers, Simple Sponge, Dimensional Edibles, Avaritia Tweaks and Actually Baubles:
1.10 / 1.11: Bug fixes only, no new features will be added
1.12: Supported as necessary
1.14 / 1.15: Supported (Will be ported, ETA early 2020)
Integration Foregoing:
1.12: Supported as necessary
1.14: Supported (Will be ported, ETA early 2020)
No Auto Jump:
1.10 / 1.11 / 1.13: Bug fixes only, no new features will be added
1.12: Supported as necessary
1.14 / 1.15: Supported (Will be ported, ETA early 2020)
Sky Islands Creator and Lucky Beans:
ALL Versions: Discontinued

A new library mod will soon be required for some of my mods on 1.12 and above, this includes: Exchangers, Simple Sponge, Dimensional Edibles, Avaritia Tweaks and Integration Foregoing.

So there you have it guys, that is my plan for 2020 in terms of Minecraft modding. As for plans in other things, I hope I will be able to maintain a regular streaming schedule while having work. I also hope I will be able to do more IRL livestreams when things get better in Hong Kong.

This was a pretty long blog post, but if you did read all the way till the end, I really do appreciate it. I hope you guys understand what I’ve been going through and what I hope to achieve in the new year and the new decade.

Until next time…





IT Engineer || Tech Enthusiast || Amateur Photographer || Former Twitch Streamer || Minecraft Modder